Weed Control

Protech Professionals can help eradicate the weeds in your yard.

Weed control is more than an annual problem, and it is certainly more than a minor annoyance for many homeowners in Oklahoma. With many types of weeds to control, you need to know all the different types that can grow and take over the lush green grasses that make up your lawn.

For a free estimate call us or go to our Free Estimate Form by clicking here >>.

Lawn Weed Control Services

• Determine areas of concern around the yard

• Identify various weed types

• Implement a lawn care/maintenance strategy

• Apply lawn pre-emergent

• Lawn post-emergent

weed control from Protech Pros

Weed Control

Homeowners know they should fertilize to help keep their lawn healthy and green all summer long to fight the weeds, but time slips by and before you know it, your lawn is starving for nutrients. How do you feed the grass and starve the weeds?

Sometimes homeowners can get them under control themselves, and other times there are special materials that a professional must use to get the job done. You may notice several different varieties of weeds growing in your yard, and if they’ve been there awhile, they may be causing unsightly patches that ruin the appearance of your lawn.

Protech Professionals trained experts can identify the types of weeds in your yard and recommend a treatment plan to get things under control.

Turf Management Programs Offered

3x per year • 4x per year 5x per year
Total care package

Application Range*

January through March:
Pre-emergent & dormant weed spray
60-75 days after 1st application: Pre-emergent & broadleaf weed eradication

Fertilizing with micro-nutrients & soil conditioner

July: Summer fertilizing

September through October: Fall pre-emergent

November through December: Winterizer & soil conditioner

*Applications may vary depending on weather conditions

Weed control companies, such as Protech Professionals, will apply pre-emergent chemical compositions that will destroy unwelcome weeds before they even begin to grow. With so many types of weeds and depending on which part of the state your home and lawn are in, knowing the correct lawn pre-emergent is important.

In addition to our weed control service, you may be interested in our lawn maintenance services:
Lawn weekly maintenance includes mowing, edging, trimming, and blower.
Landscaping includes clearing, planting, and design.
